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Fertility Confidence Podcast

Mar 14, 2023

In this week's episode we're talking about the biggest burning question: why aren't you getting pregnant when you have a regular period.

The short version: just because you have a consistent bleed, doesn't mean your hormones are optimal, your timing is perfect, or there aren't a million and one other roadblocks in your way.

Our hormonal education as teens is setting us up for failure as women when we don't fully understand our bodies and how they work, even at a basic level.

Find out why confirming ovulation is so important, even if you have a regular bleed, my fave tool to do so, and what we need to be thinking about if this is your reality. 

Snag my fave temping device on sale for the month of March with an additional 12% off using the code KELSEYTD at checkout (code is valid even after their March promo!).